Schwartzenberger Equine, LLC
11313 Vermillion Road
Longmont, CO, 80504
Schwartzenberger Equine, LLC is located 2 miles north of Longmont on Vermillion Road.

Complete reining training facility just north of Denver, Colorado
Directions from Denver:
- Take I-25 North
- Take the Lyons Exit, #243
- Head West, or left, on Hwy 66, over I-25, for 5.5 miles
- Turn North, or right, on 115th Street
- Continue North for about a mile, and then turn West, or left, on Vermillion
- Take Vermillion for about 1/2 mile, and you will see the Schwartzenbererger sign and barns on your right.
Directions from north of Longmont:
- Take I-25 South
- Take the Lyons Exit, #243
- Head West, or right, on Hwy 66, for 5.5 miles
- Turn North, or right, on 115th Street
- Continue North for about a mile, and then turn West, or left, on Vermillion.
- Take Vermillion for about 1/2 mile, and you will see the Schwartzenberger sign and barns on your right